@Book{OL28207106M, title: {Surrounded by Idiots}, author: {Thomas Erikson}, publisher: {St. Martin's Essentials}, year: {2020}, } @Book{OL30359668M, title: {Self-Discipline}, author: {John Winters}, publisher: {Independently Published}, year: {2019}, } @Book{OL25102032M, title: {So Good They Can't Ignore You}, author: {Cal Newport}, publisher: {Business Plus}, year: {2012}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL28002400M, title: {The complete middle school study guide, everything you need to ace science in one big fat notebook}, author: {Workman Publishing and Editors of Brain Quest}, publisher: {Workman Publishing Co., Inc}, year: {2016}, } @Book{OL3693035M, title: {Precalculus}, author: {Michael Joseph Sullivan Jr. and Michael Sullivan III}, publisher: {Pearson Prentice Hall}, year: {2005}, place: {Upper Saddle River, N.J}, } @Book{OL2852326M, title: {\textquotedbl{}Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman\textquotedbl{}}, author: {Richard Phillips Feynman and Ralph Leighton}, publisher: {W.W. Norton}, year: {1985}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL4737410M, title: {Essentials of psychology}, author: {Dennis Coon}, publisher: {West Pub. Co.}, year: {1979}, place: {St. Paul}, } @Book{OL25184609M, title: {Quiet}, author: {Susan Cain}, publisher: {Crown Publishers}, year: {2012}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL35136778M, title: {A Little Life}, author: {Hanya Yanagihara}, publisher: {Doubleday}, year: {2015}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL28195069M, title: {Stuff You Should Know}, author: {Josh Clark and Chuck Bryant}, publisher: {Flatiron Books}, year: {2020}, } @Book{OL26233073M, title: {The Girl Who Drank the Moon}, author: {Kelly Regan Barnhill and Isabel Murillo}, publisher: {Algonquin Young Readers}, year: {2016}, } @Book{OL30623977M, title: {The Midnight Library}, author: {Matt Haig}, publisher: {HarperAvenue}, year: {2020}, } @Book{OL28537700M, title: {First 20 Hours}, author: {Josh Kaufman}, publisher: {Penguin Books, Limited}, year: {2014}, } @Book{OL29853379M, title: {Be Water, My Friend}, author: {Shannon Lee}, publisher: {Flatiron Books}, year: {2020}, } @Book{OL28520212M, title: {Cambridge English Key 7}, author: {Cambridge English Language Assessment}, publisher: {Cambridge University Press}, year: {2014}, } @Book{OL36624253M, title: {Steal Like an Artist Wall Calendar 2018}, author: {Austin Kleon}, publisher: {Workman Publishing Company}, year: {2017}, } @Book{OL35734644M, title: {INTJ Personality - Harness Your Gifts, Utilize Your Strengths, Find Success, and Thrive As The Unstoppable Mastermind}, author: {Dan Johnston}, publisher: {CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform}, year: {2014}, } @Book{OL30176492M, title: {How to Create Better Ideas}, author: {Joost Roozekrans}, publisher: {Bis B.V., Uitgeverij (BIS Publishers)}, year: {2020}, } @Book{OL32001462M, title: {Magic of Thinking Big}, author: {David Schwartz Dr}, publisher: {Simon \& Schuster}, year: {2015}, } @Book{OL27947582M, title: {Everything You Need to Ace Math in One Big Fat Notebook}, author: {Workman Publishing Company Staff}, publisher: {Workman Publishing}, year: {2016}, } @Book{OL977117M, title: {How things work}, author: {Louis Bloomfield}, publisher: {J. Wiley}, year: {1997}, place: {New York}, } @Author{OL531603A, name: {Louis Bloomfield}, }